Welcome to the Exercise Room

Exercise like your life depends on it. Here’s the what, how, how often and how much to exercise.

Your Exercise Prescription
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Your Exercise Prescription

In cancer treatment? You should be exercising 90 minutes per week on average. Beyond cancer treatment? You should be exercising 150 to 300 minutes per week. Your exercise should be generally be moderate in intensity. (moderate for you). There are 10,080 minutes in a week, so yes you can do this. Exercise like your life depends on it, because it does!

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Monitoring Physical Loss
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Monitoring Physical Loss

Physical loss can be sneaky, slowly robbing you of safety and function! Often times this loss is preventable if we know it is happening and address it. Here are 3 functional checks to do 1-2 times a year to check your overall physical and functional capabilities!

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Rising from the Floor
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Rising from the Floor

It may feel a bit surprising, yet the ability to rise from the floor is linked to life expectancy! Getting up from the floor requires strength, flexibility, mobility, coordination, strength, power, and agility. When a human body begins to lose the combination of all of these skills, the likely of surviving beyond five years is lessened.

So, getting up from the floor is an incredible marker to use to assess this overall skill. Check out this video to learn how!

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Trunk Leans
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Trunk Leans

A wonderful strength exercise for your abdominals!

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Kegel Exercises
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Kegel Exercises

Your pelvic floor is made up of mostly muscle. And just like other muscles, your pelvic floor can get weak. A weakness in your pelvic floor muscles can lead to issues like leaking, stress incontinence and urgency. Here is an exercise you can use to strengthen your pelvic floor!

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Washing Machine
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Washing Machine

The Washing Machine exercise will make you feel… well like you’re in a washing machine! Be gentle with this one and go slow as it is a challenge for your hip and low back mobility. Let me know what you think!

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Trio Leg stretch
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Trio Leg stretch

This a wonderful 3 in 1 leg/low back stretch. It is great to use anytime, but is fabulous right before bedtime and upon waking. This combo exercise will stretch your calves, hamstrings and low back!

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Bird Dog
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a core exercise designed to strengthen the muscles around your spine. By lifting your opposite leg and arm, your spine muscles have to work hard to stabilize you and keep you from toppling over! Find a comfortable place to get on your hands and knees and strengthen away. Your spine will thank you!

The Bird Dog is your EOTW #43!

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Trap Stretch
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Trap Stretch

The trapezius muscle of the neck attaches to your shoulder and your skull. So if it gets tight, it can lead to headaches or neck pain and stiffness. In this EOTW we learn the “Trap (short for trapezius) Stretch!

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Shoulder Mobility Rotations
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Shoulder Mobility Rotations

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint of all the joints in the body. Therefore the rotator cuff and the joint itself need to maintain good flexibility and mobility to keep the shoulder happy and healthy. This mobility exercise is an easy way to help maintain good joint mobility at your shoulders!

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Standing Side Leg Lift
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Standing Side Leg Lift

The gluteus medius is a very important muscle in your hip. If it gets weak, it can negatively impact your walking. Your EOTW #40 is a great strength exercise for the gluteus medius called the Standing Side Leg Lift!

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Drinking Bird
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Drinking Bird

Another fun exercise with a fun name! The Drinking Bird will help you improve your balance!

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Standing Low Back Stretch
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Standing Low Back Stretch

My spine is an area of my body that can cause me some significant grief so stretching my low back is frequently part of my night and morning rituals. It’s so good, it may just become your favorite too!

Here is the Standing Low Back Stretch!

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Dead Bug
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Dead Bug

Here’s a great core exercise with the best name ever, the Dead Bug! This exercise will allow you to strengthen your core and abdomen without stressing your low back. Here is EOTW # 36!

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Reverse Leg Lift
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Reverse Leg Lift

It’s important to keep our backside (low back, glutes and hamstrings) strong. Here’s a great way to do that! This EOTW is the Reverse Leg Lift!

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Shoulder Trio
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Shoulder Trio

Here is a wonderful, easy exercise that helps combat the natural forward curvature of our upper back and body as we age. The Shoulder Trio helps stretch the front of the chest, loosen the shoulder joints and strengthen the upper back muscles. This exercise is great for anyone over the age of 55 and can be done 2 to 4 times a week as needed.

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Straight Leg Raise
Leslie Waltke Leslie Waltke

Straight Leg Raise

The Straight Leg Raise is a classic exercise to strengthen your quadricep, the big muscle in the front of the thigh. A strong quad is important for walking, stairs, climbing and good knee health!

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